The Oklahoma Charity Games Act is presented in full text below. It allows qualified charities to conduct several forms of bingo and to offer pulltab tickets, called breakopen tickets in Oklahoma. Casino-style gaming nights and card tournaments are not authorized.
§3A-401. Short title – Purpose – Findings.
A. Sections 2 through 28 of this act shall be known and may be cited as the “Oklahoma Charity Games Act “.
B. For the protection of charitable organizations and the general public seeking to assist such organizations through participation in certain charity organized activities, the Legislature declares that it is necessary to restrict the conducting of certain games of chance by enacting an Oklahoma Charity Games Act. Such restrictions are for the purpose of authorizing the conducting of certain games of chance to certain organizations which function exclusively for charitable purposes in conformance with state and federal laws regulating such organizations.
The Legislature finds that it is in the interest of the health, welfare, and safety of the citizens of the State of Oklahoma that games of chance offered to the public by other than charitable organizations which are commonly referred to as “commercial bingo ” or “commercial operations ” are hereby prohibited in this state.
The Legislature further finds that offering to the public certain types of games of chance including but not limited to games commonly referred to as bingo games and other types of instant winner games by other than a licensed organization is declared to be a “commercial operation” and is in violation of the law.
§3A-402. Definitions.
As used in the Oklahoma Charity Games Act, Section 401 et seq. of this title:
1. “Bingo ” means a game in which each player receives a bingo face and covers the squares according to the numbers, letters, or combination of numbers and letters that have been announced by the caller. The numbers and letters called are on an object selected at random either manually or mechanically from a receptacle in which have been placed the objects bearing the numbers, letters, or combinations of numbers and letters corresponding to the system used for designating the bingo face squares. The winner of each bingo game is the player who first properly covers a predetermined and announced pattern of squares upon the bingo face being used by the player;
2. “Bingo face ” means a flat piece of paper which is marked off into any number of squares in any arrangement of rows, with each square being designated by number, letter or combination of numbers and letters and with one or more squares designated as a “free” space with the word “Oklahoma” and a facsimile outline of a map of Oklahoma in it, which cannot be reused after the game in which a player has used it is over;
3. “Breakopen ticket card ” means a single folded or banded ticket or a card, the face of which is initially covered or otherwise hidden from view to conceal a number, letter, symbol, or set of letters or symbols, a few of which numbers, letters or symbols out of every set of charity game tickets have been designated in advance at random as prize winners and which is used in a breakopen ticket game;
4. “Breakopen ticket game ” means a game wherein a player receives a breakopen ticket card. A breakopen ticket game shall meet the following criteria:
a. the game shall be assembled so that no placement of winners or losers exists that allows the possibility of prize manipulation,
b. the concealed numbers, letters, or symbols shall not be visible from the outside of the game using high intensity lamps. Protection shall be provided by the opaque paper stock employed, with the possible addition of colors and printed blockout patterns or by use of an aluminum foil laminate,
c. a unique symbol or printed security device, such as a specific number keyed to particular winners or the name of the symbol or some of the symbol colors changed for a window, or other similar protection shall be placed in the winning windows of prize windows to ensure that the winner image is unique,
d. it shall not be possible to detect or pick out winning from losing tickets through variations in printing graphics, color, or use of different printing plates,
e. it shall not be possible to isolate winning or potential winning tickets from minor variations in size or cutting of the tickets comprising a particular packet, and
f. each ticket in a game shall have a serial number. All tickets in a game shall have the same serial number appearing in a conspicuous place on the ticket;
5. “Business entity” means a person, company, corporation, or partnership organized for profit;
6. “Charity game” means a bingo game, U-PIK-EM bingo game, or breakopen ticket game conducted by an organization pursuant to the provisions of the Oklahoma Charity Games Act;
7. “Charity game equipment ” means any object uniquely designed for use in the conducting of a charity game including, but not limited to, bingo faces, U-PIK-EM bingo game sets, and breakopen ticket cards. Items used in conducting charity games which are not charity game equipment are ink markers, furniture and general furnishings of rooms where charity games are conducted;
8. “Commission ” or “ABLE Commission ” means the Alcoholic Beverage Laws Enforcement Commission;
9. “Day session ” means the set time frame within which conducting of charity games is authorized beginning no earlier than 10:00 a.m. and ending no later than 5:00 p.m.;
10. “Deal ” means one series of breakopen ticket game cards which has a stated number of winner payouts and a stated amount of the payouts;
11. “Distributor ” means a person or business entity that sells, markets, or otherwise provides charity game equipment to an organization;
12. “Doing business ” means either conducting a charity game by an organization or providing goods or services to an organization by a business entity;
13. “Employee ” means a person who works for compensation in a licensed charity game establishment;
14. “Immediate family member ” means a spouse, parent, child or sibling or spouse of a parent, child or sibling of a resident of a facility exempt from specific provisions of the Oklahoma Charity Games Act as provided in subsection C of Section 405 of this title;
15. “Licensee ” means any person, organization, or business entity which has received a license from the Commission;
16. “Location ” means the building, including the individual rooms and equipment in the rooms, grounds, and appurtenances, including adjacent premises if subject to the direct or indirect control of the organization while conducting a charity game, which are used in connection with or in furtherance of the conducting of a charity game;
17. “Manager ” means a person who:
a. is an employee of an organization,
b. has supervisory authority over other employees or over the conduct of charity games, and
c. has been designated as such by the organization pursuant to the provisions of subsection D of Section 408 of this title;
18. “Manufacturer ” means a person or business entity that assembles from raw materials, supplies, or subparts to form a completed series of charity game equipment for use in charity games and that sells, markets, or otherwise provides such equipment to a distributor;
19. “Night session ” means the set time frame within which conducting of charity games is authorized beginning no earlier than 5:00 p.m. and ending no later than 12:00 p.m. midnight;
20. “Organization ” means a religious, charitable, labor, fraternal, educational, or other type of association or any branch, lodge, chapter, or auxiliary of such association which:
a. operates without profit to its members,
b. has been in existence and been operating as a nonprofit organization for not less than two (2) years prior to applying for an organization license,
c. is exempt from taxation pursuant to the provisions of paragraphs (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9), (10), or (19) of subsection (c) of Section 501 or paragraph (1) of subsection (a) of Section 509 of the United States Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, 26 U.S.C., Section 501(c) et seq. or Section 509(a)(1), and
d. formulates bylaws which clearly identify and establish:
(1) method of electing officers and their duties,
(2) method by which members are elected, initiated or admitted,
(3) the rights and privileges of each member,
(4) that each member has one vote, and
(5) that membership rights are personal to the member and not assignable;
21. “Progressive game ” means a game in which prizes are allowed to be carried over and increased from session to session;
22. “U-PIK-EM bingo game ” means a game played wherein a player writes the numbers on a U-PIK-EM bingo game set. The player retains one sheet of the set and deposits the second sheet in a receptacle in the control of the organization. The player then covers the numbers as the caller announces a number. The numbers called are on an object selected at random either manually or mechanically from a receptacle in which have been placed the objects bearing the numbers. The winner of each U-PIK-EM bingo game is the player who first covers all the numbers appearing on the retained sheet in accordance with the pattern as designated on the sheet; and
23. “U-PIK-EM bingo game set ” means two paper sheets of carbonless paper both bearing identical serial numbers on which a player writes numbers or letters, wherein one sheet is retained by the player and used for playing and one sheet is held by the organization and used for verifying winners.
§3A-403. Licensing authority – Administration and enforcement of act – Powers and duties of Commission.
A. The ABLE Commission shall be the licensing authority for the licensing of organizations, manufacturers, and distributors conducting, supplying, or otherwise providing charity games to the public in this state.
B. The Commission shall be responsible for the administration and enforcement of the Oklahoma Charity Games Act. In addition to such other duties as may be imposed on the Commission by law, and in order to perform that responsibility, the Commission shall:
1. Adopt and promulgate rules for the purpose of administering and enforcing the Oklahoma Charity Games Act;
2. Have the authority to issue, renew, suspend, or revoke any license authorized by the Oklahoma Charity Games Act;
3. Conduct or direct the conducting of investigations relating to issuing, renewing, suspending, or revoking any license authorized by the Oklahoma Charity Games Act;
4. Institute proceedings as the complainant against both licensees and nonlicensees for violations of the Oklahoma Charity Games Act;
5. Maintain records of all proceedings including minutes of meetings, applications for licenses and related documents of applicants, and official documents filed in any hearings conducted by the Commission arising out of any provision of the Oklahoma Charity Games Act or the rules and regulations of the Commission. Copies of such records certified by the Director of the Commission shall be admissible as evidence in a civil or criminal action;
6. Make such expenditures including employing such additional staff as may be necessary for the administration and enforcement of the Oklahoma Charity Games Act;
7. Establish a standard recordkeeping system for the conduct of charity games;
8. Establish a model internal control system for use by organizations;
9. Conduct all hearings including actions on investigations, issuance, denial, revocation, or suspension of a license, adoption of rules, and conduct meetings in accordance with the provisions of the Administrative Procedures Act, Section 250 et seq. of Title 75 of the Oklahoma Statutes, and the Oklahoma Open Meeting Act, Section 301 et seq. of Title 25 of the Oklahoma Statutes; and
10. Be responsible for approving locations for the conducting of charity games.
C. The members of the Commission, the Director and such agents as the Commission appoints shall have all the powers and authority of peace officers of this state for purposes of enforcing the provisions of the Oklahoma Charity Games Act.
D. The Commission shall have the authority to regularly inspect all locations or places of business of licensees and all other persons, firms or corporations dealing in the manufacture, distribution, transportation, sale or service of charity games or charity game equipment within this state. Any officer or employee of the Commission with responsibility for enforcement of the Oklahoma Charity Games Act shall have the power and authority, without a warrant, to enter and examine the location or place of business of any licensee, during normal operating hours thereof, to determine if any violation of the provisions of the Oklahoma Charity Games Act or rules of the Commission is or may be occurring. The right of entry and inspection shall be a condition upon which every license shall be issued and the application for and acceptance of any license hereunder shall conclusively be deemed to be consent of the applicant and licensee to such entry and inspection. Officers and employees of the Commission or the Oklahoma Tax Commission shall be given free access to and shall not be hindered or interfered with in their examination of the location or place of business of any licensee, and in any case in which such officer or employee is denied free access and entry or is hindered or interfered with in making such examination, any license held for such location or place of business shall be subject to suspension or revocation.
§3A-404. Licenses – When issuance prohibited – Transfer, sale, lease or assignment prohibited – Initial and renewal fees.
A. All licenses issued pursuant to the provisions of the Oklahoma Charity Games Act shall be valid for one (1) year from the date of issue.
B. A license issued by the Commission shall not be transferable, sold, leased or assigned under any circumstances.
C. A license shall not be issued to any organization if an officer thereof has been convicted of or pled guilty or nolo contendere to any felony, or a misdemeanor related to gambling or gaming, pursuant to the laws of the United States, the District of Columbia or any state or territory of the United States.
D. A license shall not be issued to any person who has been convicted of or pled guilty or nolo contendere to any felony, or a misdemeanor related to gambling or gaming, pursuant to the laws of the United States, the District of Columbia or any state or territory of the United States.
E. The initial and renewal fees for licenses authorized by the Oklahoma Charity Games Act shall be as follows:
1. Organization License – One Hundred Dollars ($100.00);
2. Distributor License – Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00);
3. Manufacturer License – Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00);
4. Employee License – Fifteen Dollars ($15.00); and
5. Manager License – Fifty Dollars ($50.00).
F. All fees received by the Commission pursuant to this section shall be forwarded to the State Treasurer for deposit in the General Revenue Fund.
§3A-405. Limited charity game activities – Exemptions.
A. Any organization which conducts any charity game activities not more than four times per year may obtain an exemption from specific provisions of the Oklahoma Charity Games Act, Section 401 et seq. of this title, as provided in this section. Such exemption shall be obtained by the filing of a verified application with the ABLE Commission signed by the executive officer of said organization and containing the following information:
1. The name and address of the organization;
2. The name, address and telephone number of the executive officer of the organization or such other person authorized to receive documents or other information from the Commission on behalf of the organization; and
3. A statement that said organization shall conduct a charity game session four or fewer times per calendar year and the dates and times and location wherein such activities shall occur.
B. Any organization which conducts any charity game activities not more than four times per year which has obtained an exemption from the Commission shall not:
1. Be required to obtain any type of license required by the Oklahoma Charity Games Act;
2. Be restricted to the use of bingo faces as defined in the Oklahoma Charity Games Act but shall not be authorized to use electronic facsimile of faces;
3. Be required to purchase charity game equipment from persons or business entities licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Oklahoma Charity Games Act; or
4. Be subject to any restrictions in this act or rules of the Commission relating to conducting charity games on certain days of the week or during certain hours.
C. Any hospital, nursing home, residential care facility, senior citizens’ center, retirement center or convalescent facility which conducts charity games at such facilities on a regular basis for the residents or regular patrons of the facility and their immediate family members may obtain an exemption from specific provisions of the Oklahoma Charity Games Act as provided in this section. Such exemption shall be obtained by the filing of a verified application with the Commission signed by the owner or supervisor of the facility and containing the following information:
1. The name and address of the hospital, nursing home, residential care facility, senior citizens’ center, retirement center or convalescent facility;
2. The name, address and telephone number of the owner or supervisor of the facility or such other person authorized to receive documents or other information from the Commission on behalf of the facility; and
3. A statement that said facility shall conduct charity games at the specified facility for the residents or regular patrons of the facility and their immediate family members. Provided, the prizes awarded either in cash or any other thing of value shall not exceed Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250.00) in any one (1) day at any such hospital, nursing home, residential care facility, senior citizens’ center, retirement center or convalescent facility.
D. Any hospital, nursing home, residential care facility, senior citizens’ center, retirement center or convalescent facility which conducts charity games at such facilities on a regular basis for the residents or regular patrons of the facility or their immediate family members which has obtained an exemption from the Commission shall not:
1. Be required to obtain any type of license required by the Oklahoma Charity Games Act;
2. Be restricted to the use of bingo faces, as defined in the Oklahoma Charity Games Act but shall not be authorized to use electronic facsimile of faces;
3. Be required to purchase charity game equipment from persons or business entities licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Oklahoma Charity Games Act; or
4. Be subject to any restrictions in the Oklahoma Charity Games Act or rules of the Commission relating to conducting charity games on certain days of the week or during certain hours.
§3A-406. Refusal to issue, denial of renewal, suspension, or revocation of distributor or manufacturer license.
A. The Commission shall refuse to issue, deny renewal, suspend, or revoke a distributor license or a manufacturer license for any individual who:
1. Is not a citizen of the United States; or
2. Has been convicted, pled guilty, or pled nolo contendere to a felony pursuant to the laws of the United States, the District of Columbia, or any state or territory of the United States.
B. The Commission shall refuse to issue, deny renewal, suspend or revoke a distributor license or a manufacturer license for a partnership if a partner of the partnership has been convicted, pled guilty, or pled nolo contendere to a felony pursuant to the laws of the United States, the District of Columbia, or any state or territory of the United States.
C. The Commission shall refuse to issue a distributor license or a manufacturer license for a corporation which has an officer or stockholder owning more than ten percent (10%) of the corporate stock who has been convicted, pled guilty, or pled nolo contendere to a felony pursuant to the laws of the United States, the District of Columbia, or any state or territory of the United States.
§3A-407. Refusal to issue, denial of renewal, suspension, or revocation of any license – Penalty schedule.
A. The ABLE Commission shall refuse to issue, deny renewal of, suspend, or revoke any license for any one or more of the following reasons:
1. Obtaining a license from the Commission through fraud, misrepresentation, or concealment of a material fact;
2. Noncompliance with the tax laws of this state; or
3. Failure to pay any fine levied by the Commission.
B. The Commission may levy fines or refuse to issue, deny renewal of, suspend, or revoke any license for any one or more of the following reasons:
1. Violation of any provision of the Oklahoma Charity Games Act, Section 401 et seq. of this title. A determination of action on a license pursuant to the provisions of this subsection shall not be limited to actions against a licensee that has been convicted of a violation in a court of competent jurisdiction;
2. Violation of any rule adopted by the Commission;
3. Failure to implement an order of the Commission;
4. Failure by an organization to provide adequate internal control in accordance with the rules for such control adopted by the Commission; or
5. Failure to keep financial records in accordance with the standard system established by the Commission.
C. The Commission is hereby authorized to establish a penalty schedule for violations of any provision of the Oklahoma Charity Games Act or for violation of any rule of the Commission. The schedule may provide fines or suspension or revocation or both fines and suspension or revocation for violations of the act or rules as determined by the Commission. Penalties shall be increasingly severe for each violation.
D. All administrative fines collected by the Commission pursuant to the provisions of this section shall be forwarded to the State Treasurer for deposit in the General Revenue Fund.
§3A-408. Organization license – Application.
A. Any organization desiring to conduct a charity game in this state shall apply to the ABLE Commission for an organization license. An organization license shall only be issued to an organization and shall be used by that organization only. A business entity shall not be qualified under any conditions to hold or use an organization license.
B. An organization shall be limited to only one license and to doing business at only one location.
C. An organization shall use only disposable bingo faces purchased from a licensed distributor. Only one game shall be played on each bingo face; provided, nothing in this section shall be construed to exclude progressive games.
D. Only an organization or an employee or manager of an organization shall conduct a charity game for which a charge is made. Compensation may be paid to an organization or other person for conducting a charity game. Compensation for conducting charity games shall be paid in accordance with minimum wage provisions of federal law, and shall not exceed two times the amount of the minimum wage specified pursuant to federal law.
E. An initial application for an organization license shall be sworn and attested to by a principal officer of the applicant organization and shall include:
1. A certified copy of the document from the U.S. Internal Revenue Service which grants the applicant tax-exempt status and the federal identification number;
2. A certified copy of the articles of incorporation and certificate of incorporation of the organization;
3. A copy of the bylaws of the organization;
4. A copy of the minutes of the meeting of the organization at which the governing body was elected and the terms of office of each member of the governing body;
5. A copy of the minutes of the meeting of the governing body of the organization at which the application for the license was authorized;
6. The name and address of a person authorized to receive service of process on behalf of the organization;
7. The address of the location where the charity games will be conducted; and
8. Such other information deemed necessary by the Commission to assure eligibility for a license.
F. A renewal application shall only include any changes in the information required to be submitted with the initial application.
G. An organization license shall be placed within public view at all times in a conspicuous place at the location where the charity game is being conducted.
§3A-409. Distributor license – Application.
A. Any person or business entity desiring to sell or supply any charity game equipment to a licensed organization in this state shall apply to the ABLE Commission for a distributor license.
B. An application for a distributor license shall include:
1. The name and address of the applicant and the name and address of each of its separate locations distributing charity game equipment;
2. The name and address of all owners of the distributing business entity, if the business entity is not a corporation. If the business entity is a corporation, the name and address of each of the officers and directors of the corporation and of each stockholder owning ten percent (10%) or more of any class of stock in the corporation; and
3. The full name, business address and home address of the person who is a resident of this state, or the full name and address of a domestic corporation located in this state, or the full name and address of a foreign corporation authorized to transact business in this state pursuant to Section 1130 of Title 18 of the Oklahoma Statutes, who or which is authorized to receive service of process on behalf of the applicant, if the applicant is a person who is not a resident of this state or a business entity not located in this state.
§3A-410. Manufacturer license – Application.
A. Any person or business entity desiring to sell or supply charity game equipment to a distributor in this state shall apply to the ABLE Commission for a manufacturer license.
B. An application for a manufacturer license shall include:
1. The name and address of the applicant and the name and address of each of its separate locations manufacturing charity game equipment;
2. The name and address of all owners of the manufacturing business entity, if the business entity is not a corporation. If the business entity is a corporation, the name and address of each of the officers and directors of the corporation and of each stockholder owning ten percent (10%) or more of any class of stock in the corporation; and
3. If the applicant is a foreign manufacturer and is also a corporation, a certificate of good standing from the Secretary of State, issued within sixty (60) days prior to filing the application pursuant to Section 1130 of Title 18 of the Oklahoma Statutes. If the foreign manufacturer is a corporation excepted from qualifying to do business in this state pursuant to Section 1132 of Title 18 of the Oklahoma Statutes or is not a corporation, then the foreign manufacturer shall supply the Commission with the full name, business address, and home address of the person who is a resident of this state, or the full name and address of a domestic corporation located in this state, or the full name and address of a foreign corporation authorized to transact business in this state, who or which is authorized to receive service of process on behalf of the business entity.
§3A-411. Notice of intention to apply for license – Notice of application to local authorities.
A. An applicant for an initial organization license shall, prior to applying for such license, twice publish, in such form and containing such information as the ABLE Commission shall by rule prescribe, a notice of its intention to apply for such license, once a week for two (2) successive weeks in a legal newspaper of general circulation within the county of the location of the licensee. Proof of such publication shall be filed with the Commission.
B. Upon an application for a license being filed with the ABLE Commission, the Commission shall give written notice of the application to the district attorney, county sheriff, city attorney, and chief of police or marshal of the municipality and county in which the applicant will be doing business.
1. The written notice shall be provided by regular first-class mail sent not more than ten (10) calendar days from the date of receipt of the application.
2. The written notice shall contain the name of the applicant, the location at which the organization or business entity will be doing business, and the date on which the Commission will consider the application.
C. Applications for any of the licenses provided for in the Oklahoma Charity Games Act, Section 401 et seq. of this title, shall be on such form as designated by the Commission.
§3A-412. Protest.
A. Any person who is a resident of the municipality or county in which the organization or business entity will be doing business may protest such application.
B. To be considered by the Commission, the protest must:
1. Be submitted in writing;
2. Be signed by the person protesting;
3. Contain the place of residence and the mailing address of the protester;
4. Contain a concise statement as to why the application is being protested; and
5. Be submitted to the Commission before the license is granted.
C. Within thirty (30) calendar days of the date of receipt of the written protest the Commission shall conduct a hearing on all written protests meeting the requirements of this section.
§3A-413. Petition to revoke license.
The district attorney of the county or the city attorney of the municipality wherein a license has been issued may file a petition with the Commission to revoke a license alleging the violation of the Oklahoma Charity Games Act or rule promulgated by the Commission by the holder of the license, its agents, officers, or employees.
1. Within ten (10) calendar days of receiving the petition from the district attorney or city attorney, the Commission shall notify by mail with return receipt requested the person, organization, or business entity against whom the application for revocation was filed.
2. The Commission shall conduct a hearing on the petition and enter a written order setting out the decision regarding the petition.
§3A-414. Licensee records – Reports.
A. Every licensee shall keep and maintain a set of records which shall include such details as required by the Commission of the activities of the licensee relating to doing business in this state pursuant to the provisions of the Oklahoma Charity Games Act.
1. Such records shall be available for inspection by the Commission during regular business hours.
2. Such records shall be maintained for a period of not less than three (3) years from the date of the end of the fiscal year of the licensee.
3. Such records maintained shall include copies of all invoices to all organizations in this state which shall include but not be limited to information as to the amount of charity game equipment sold in this state.
B. Each distributor shall also submit a quarterly report to the Commission containing the name, address, and license or exemption number of each purchaser of charity game equipment.
C. Each licensed manufacturer shall also submit a quarterly report to the Commission containing the following information:
1. The total amount of charity game equipment sold in this state;
2. The total number with the serial numbers and sequential order of bingo faces, U-PIK-EM bingo sets, and breakopen deals sold; and
3. Copies of all invoices for all charity game equipment sold which shall include but not be limited to information as to the number of games sold in this state.
§3A-415. Purchase, sale or disposal of supplies.
A. Licensed organizations shall purchase their supplies only from distributors licensed by this state and payment for supplies shall be made upon receipt of the supplies at the place of delivery.
B. Distributors shall market, sell, or supply charity game equipment in this state only to an organization, exempt organization, exempt hospital, nursing home, residential care facility, senior citizens’ center, retirement center or convalescent facility, entity of the United States government, federally recognized Indian tribe or nation or other licensed distributor.
C. Distributors shall purchase or otherwise obtain charity game equipment only from manufacturers or other distributors licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Oklahoma Charity Games Act, Section 401 et seq. of this title.
D. Manufacturers shall sell charity game equipment in this state only to distributors licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Oklahoma Charity Games Act or federally recognized Indian tribes or nations.
E. Charity game equipment owned by an organization may be disposed of with the written permission of the Director of the ABLE Commission and with proper notification to the Oklahoma Tax Commission, as follows:
1. By selling the equipment or giving it away to another organization, an exempt organization, or exempt hospital, nursing home, residential care facility, senior citizens’ center, retirement center or convalescent facility; or
2. By selling the equipment or trading it in on the purchase of other charity game equipment to a distributor licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Oklahoma Charity Games Act.
§3A-416. Reporting of damaged and winning bingo faces, cards and game sets.
All damaged and winning bingo faces, breakopen ticket cards, and U-PIK-EM bingo game sets shall be reported and disposed of in such manner as the Commission shall prescribe.
§3A-417. Alcoholic beverages and low-point beer prohibition.
No licensed organization shall sell, serve or permit to be consumed any alcoholic beverage as defined in Section 506 of Title 37 of the Oklahoma Statutes or low-point beer as defined in Section 163.2 of Title 37 of the Oklahoma Statutes in any room or outdoor area where and during the time a bingo or U-PIK-EM game is being conducted.
§3A-418. Prohibited acts.
A. No charity game shall be conducted on the first day of the week, commonly known and designated as Sunday.
B. No charity game shall be conducted between the hours of midnight and 10:00 a.m.
C. An organization shall not conduct more than two sessions at a location during a calendar day.
D. No person under eighteen (18) years of age shall play breakopen ticket games; provided, any person under the age of eighteen (18) may play charity games other than breakopen ticket games when accompanied by a parent or guardian if such play is permitted by the organization conducting the charity game.
E. No licensee shall sell any tangible property or services in connection with operations of charity games in any manner in which the purchaser incurs a debt to the organization or to any of its members or employees.
§3A-419. Limitation on prizes.
A. In the conducting of a bingo game or a U-PIK-EM bingo game, not more than a total of Six Thousand Dollars ($6,000.00) in cash or any other thing of value shall be paid out during a day session or a night session; provided, the ABLE Commission may, in its discretion, raise the limit to an amount not to exceed Twelve Thousand Dollars ($12,000.00) for an individual organization licensee. Any person may protest the raising of the limit by filing a written and signed protest with the Commission. Within thirty (30) calendar days of the date of receipt of such protest, the Commission shall conduct a hearing on such protest. Such total shall include awards for winning the game, and all other cash or other thing of value given or awarded during the session. For purposes of this subsection, value means the retail cost which would be paid if the item were bought in a retail store.
B. The Commission is hereby authorized to set the limits on the type and purchase price of each breakopen ticket game. Such breakopen ticket card price limit shall not exceed Two Dollars ($2.00). A breakopen ticket game shall be submitted by the manufacturer to the Commission for approval. Only approved breakopen ticket games may be offered to an organization.
§3A-420. Sales tax permit required.
Any person, organization or business entity selling food, drink, or any other product subject to sales tax at any charity game location shall be required to obtain an Oklahoma sales tax permit prior to such sale.
§3A-421. Taxes levied.
A. Except as provided in subsection D of this section, there is hereby levied a tax in the amount of one cent ($0.01) upon each bingo face and each U-PIK-EM bingo game set sold in this state to be paid by the distributor.
B. Except as provided in subsection D of this section, there is hereby levied upon each breakopen ticket game sold in this state a tax in the amount of ten percent (10%) on the gross receipts of the retail sales value to be paid by the distributor. For purposes of this subsection, “gross receipts of the retail sales value” means the stated retail per breakopen ticket price multiplied by the number of tickets in each packaging container of breakopen tickets.
C. Except as provided in subsection D of this section, there is hereby levied upon all charity game equipment except bingo faces, U-PIK-EM bingo game sets, and breakopen ticket games a tax in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the price paid for such equipment as shown on the purchase invoice.
D. There shall be no tax levied on any item provided for in this section if the item is sold to an organization that is:
1. A veterans’ organization exempt from taxation pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (4), (7), (8), (10) or (19) of subsection (c) of Section 501 of the United States Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, 26 U.S.C., Section 501(c) et seq.; or
2. A group home for mentally disabled individuals exempt from taxation pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (3) of subsection (c) of Section 501 of the United States Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, 26 U.S.C., Section 501(c) et seq.
§3A-422. Collection and remission of taxes.
A. All taxes levied pursuant to the provisions of Section 421 of this title shall be collected and remitted by the distributor to the Oklahoma Tax Commission.
B. The distributor shall submit a copy of each invoice from the manufacturer from which the distributor obtained the charity game equipment stating the amount and price of each item obtained.
C. The distributor shall submit a copy of each invoice submitted for payment to a purchaser of charity game equipment. The provisions of this subsection shall apply to invoices to all purchasers whether or not items sold to the purchaser are subject to or are exempt from the taxes levied pursuant to Section 421 of this title. The distributor shall indicate on the invoice if the sale is exempt from taxation.
D. The taxes shall be due and paid monthly, and shall be deemed delinquent if not paid on or before the last day of the month following the month during which the items were sold to an organization.
E. The distributor shall not require a payment of the taxes levied pursuant to Section 421 of this title from any organization sooner than the fifteenth day of the month following the month during which items were sold to the organization. The distributor may require payment of the tax at the time of purchase from an organization if the organization does not make timely payments to the distributor as required by this section.
F. In computing the amount of charity games tax due, the distributor shall be entitled to a credit against the tax payable in the amount of tax paid by the distributor that has become uncollectible from an organization. The credit shall be claimed on the first or second return following the date on which the distributor was entitled to collect the tax as provided in this section if the payment remains unpaid as of the filing date of that return or the credit shall be disallowed.
G. An organization that fails to pay the tax to a distributor which has claimed a credit for the uncollectible taxes shall be liable for the remittance of the tax, interest and penalty due thereon and the Tax Commission may pursue collection thereof from the organization. Such a distributor shall be prohibited from making further sales to such an organization until the organization has paid all taxes due. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 205 of Title 68 of the Oklahoma Statutes, the Tax Commission shall notify the ABLE Commission of any organization which fails to remit the charity games tax to its distributor.
H. The Tax Commission shall adopt rules establishing the evidence a distributor must provide to receive the credit. The claim for credit shall identify the defaulting organization and any tax liability that remains unpaid.
I. Charity game equipment taxed pursuant to the provisions of the Oklahoma Charity Games Act, Section 401 et seq. of this title, shall be exempt from taxation pursuant to any other law of this state levying a sales tax, consumers tax, or use tax.
J. A licensed distributor shall be allowed a discount of one percent (1%) of the taxes due pursuant to the provisions of the Oklahoma Charity Games Act as remuneration for establishing and maintaining the records required by the ABLE Commission and the Oklahoma Tax Commission and for collecting such tax for the benefit of the state, if such tax is timely reported and remitted; provided, the discount provided by this section shall be limited to Three Thousand Three Hundred Dollars ($3,300.00) per reporting period for each licensed distributor and any amount in excess of Three Thousand Three Hundred Dollars ($3,300.00) per reporting period for each licensed distributor shall be retained by the state as an administrative expense and deposited to the General Revenue Fund. If the tax becomes delinquent, the licensed distributor forfeits any claim to the remuneration.
K. The Oklahoma Tax Commission shall, by rule, establish a procedure by which a licensed distributor shall be allowed a credit against subsequent tax liability for damaged bingo faces, U-PIK-EM bingo game sets, breakopen ticket games or charity game equipment upon which the tax required by the Oklahoma Charity Games Act has been paid and by which the distributor shall reimburse the organization which purchased such damaged bingo faces, U-PIK-EM bingo game sets, breakopen ticket games or charity game equipment for the tax paid by such organization.
L. The Oklahoma Tax Commission shall devise only such tax reporting forms as necessary for tax collection pursuant to the Oklahoma Charity Games Act and shall promulgate and enforce only such rules as are necessary to provide for the collection, remitting and verification of payment of taxes by distributors as required by this section.
M. The Oklahoma Tax Commission shall have the authority to enter the licensed premises of any licensee to verify compliance with the taxation provisions of the Oklahoma Charity Games Act.
§3A-423. Disposition of revenues.
The revenues collected by the Oklahoma Tax Commission pursuant to Section 421 of this title shall be paid monthly by the Oklahoma Tax Commission to the State Treasurer to be placed in the General Revenue Fund, to be paid out pursuant to direct appropriation by the Legislature.
§3A-424. Penalties.
Any person or persons convicted of violating the provisions of the Oklahoma Charity Games Act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by incarceration for a period of not less than six (6) months, but not to exceed one (1) year and by a fine of not less than One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00).
§3A-425. Cease and desist orders – Injunctions – Restraining orders – Administrative fines.
A. In addition to any other powers conferred on the Commission to impose penalties for violations of the provisions of the Oklahoma Charity Games Act, whenever in the judgment of the Commission any person, organization, or business entity has committed an act which constitutes a violation of the Oklahoma Charity Games Act, the Commission may:
1. After notice and hearing, issue a cease and desist order to any person or business entity that should have obtained a license;
2. Impose a fine of not more than Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) for each violation in the event that after the issuance of an order to cease and desist the illegal activity, the person or business entity that the order is directed to commits any act in violation of the order; and
3. Make application to the appropriate court for an order enjoining such acts or practices, and upon a showing by the Commission that such violations have occurred, an injunction, restraining order, or such other order as may be appropriate shall be granted by such court, without bond.
B. Each day a violation is continuing shall constitute a separate offense.
C. Administrative fines imposed pursuant to the provisions of this section shall be enforceable in the district courts of this state.
D. All administrative fines collected by the Commission pursuant to the provisions of this section shall be forwarded to the State Treasurer for deposit in the General Revenue Fund.
§3A-426. Bingo faces, game sets, or breakopen ticket cards declared contraband – Confiscation, forfeiture, and destruction.
A. On and after January 1, 1993, any bingo faces, U-PIK-EM bingo game sets, or breakopen ticket cards that are not purchased from a licensed distributor are declared to be contraband, unless such items are:
1. Purchased by an exempt organization, exempt hospital, nursing home, residential care facility, senior citizens’ center, retirement center or convalescent facility;
2. Purchased by a federally recognized Indian tribe or nation; or
3. Sold or given by a licensed organization to another licensed organization, an exempt organization, or exempt hospital, nursing home, residential care facility, senior citizens’ center, retirement center or convalescent facility, if written permission is obtained from the Director of the ABLE Commission and proper notification is given to the Oklahoma Tax Commission.
B. On and after January 1, 1993, any bingo faces, U-PIK-EM bingo game sets, or breakopen ticket cards sold or offered for sale by a business entity which is not a licensed distributor is declared to be contraband.
C. Any bingo faces, U-PIK-EM bingo game sets, or breakopen ticket cards which were not in the possession of an organization or business entity on December 31, 1992, on which the taxes have not been paid are declared to be contraband unless the items are being transported through this state from another state to be sold or distributed in another state.
D. On and after January 1, 1993, any bingo faces, U-PIK-EM bingo game sets, or breakopen ticket cards in the possession of an organization or business entity which has not been licensed or obtained an exemption pursuant to the Oklahoma Charity Games Act, Section 401 et seq. of this title, shall be declared contraband.
E. Such contraband shall be subject to confiscation, forfeiture, and destruction in the following manner:
1. The Commission, its agent, or the district attorney of the county wherein the alleged contraband is located shall seize any such item and maintain it for safekeeping pending a final adjudication of the legality of the sale or purchase;
2. The Commission, its agent, or the district attorney seizing the alleged contraband shall apply to the district court for an order forfeiting the alleged contraband and directing its destruction;
3. The court clerk shall give the owner of the alleged contraband fourteen (14) calendar days’ written notice of the hearing on the request for the order for destruction; and
4. Upon obtaining an order from the court ordering destruction, the Commission or the district attorney shall destroy the contraband in the manner they deem most appropriate.
§3A-427. Unexpired licenses issued by district court clerk – Inventory of game equipment in possession of applicant prior to December 31, 1992 – Rules.
A. Any organization which holds an unexpired license to conduct a bingo game issued pursuant to the provisions of Sections 995.1 through 995.15 of Title 21 of the Oklahoma Statutes is authorized to continue conducting such licensed game until the expiration date of said license. Any organization which holds an unexpired license to conduct a bingo game issued by the Oklahoma Tax Commission pursuant to the provisions of the Oklahoma Charity Games Act, Section 401 et seq. of this title, prior to the effective date of this act is authorized to continue conducting such licensed game until the expiration date of said license.
1. Any such licensee continuing to conduct bingo games pursuant to the license issued by a district court clerk shall submit the information required in Section 408 of this title by March 1, 1993.
2. Upon expiration of the license issued by the district court clerk, the organization shall submit a new application and pay the appropriate fees as required for organizations which did not have a license to conduct bingo games on December 1, 1992.
3. The provisions of this subsection shall not be construed to guarantee the issuance of an organization license to the organization upon the expiration of the license issued by a district court clerk.
B. Applicants for an organization license or a distributor license which have charity game equipment may submit a full and complete inventory of such equipment in the form of a sworn affidavit of the total amount of charity game equipment in each tax category in the possession of the applicant to the Oklahoma Tax Commission on or before December 31, 1992.
1. Before December 31, 1992, and upon receipt of said sworn affidavit of inventory, the Oklahoma Tax Commission shall provide the applicant with a stamp or seal, in a manner to be determined by the Oklahoma Tax Commission for marking the charity game equipment which will be exempt from the tax provisions of the Oklahoma Charity Games Act.
2. After December 31, 1992, all charity game equipment shall be subject to the taxes and contraband provisions of the Oklahoma Charity Games Act.
C. On or after July 1, 1993, the ABLE Commission shall promulgate such emergency rules as deemed necessary for implementation and enforcement of the Oklahoma Charity Games Act. The ABLE Commission shall promulgate permanent rules necessary for implementation and enforcement of the Oklahoma Charity Games Act for submission to the Legislature at the beginning of the next regular legislative session.
D. The Oklahoma Tax Commission shall immediately deliver to the ABLE Commission all books, papers, records, computer tapes and other property of the Oklahoma Tax Commission which pertain to the licensing and enforcement of the Oklahoma Charity Games Act.
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